
How to write a PERFECT CV

Open doors - Breeze through interviews - Maximise your salary

Who am I?


My name is Tom Hannigan- I’ve spent years working with people to get them their next job. Whether you’re looking for more money, better work/life balance, or a career change, I’ve helped someone just like you make their next move.

As a recruiter, I worked closely with people to get their CV up to scratch, hone their interview skills, and build a job hunting strategy- young professionals right up to CxO and Director level.

If you are looking for a new job, or want to develop your career, I have some free resources to help you- and if you want more hands-on support, I can help you write your CV, put together a custom job hunting plan, grow your network, or practice interviewing.

Helping people develop in their career is my passion, so follow along, sign up to my newsletter for weekly tips, and be part of a growing community of ambitious professionals reaching the next level.

Get ahead in your career

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  • Need a new job?

  • Looking to increase your salary?

Get everything you need to accelerate your career quickly.

Clear honest info. No fluff. Easy to implement.

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CAREERD is a place to ignite your job search, help you reach the next level, and make more money.

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We have loads of resources designed to help you get ahead. Our ‘Write a Perfect CV course’ is a great way to take your CV to the next level, GUARANTEEING (100% money back guarantee) you get more interviews and increase your salary. As we always say- a strong CV sets the stage for a strong salary negotiation.

If you want to see how a good CV/Resume is the foundation of negotiating your salary, click here:

Make More Money

✔️ You probably want to earn more money right?

✔️ You probably want to progress in your career?

The question is, how can you ramp things up and progress quickly?

You’ve seen young people in leadership roles, being promoted, getting ahead- so why are you stuck?


The answer is nearly always your positioning.

Ask yourself these questions:

❓ Do people at work respect my opinion?

❓ Does my employer see the value that I bring?

❓ Am I taken for granted in the workplace?

If the answer is no to any of these, it is time to improve your position in the workplace. Sign up to our newsletter to learn the best ways to get ahead- direct to your inbox from industry leaders.

Get More Interviews

✔️ Do you want to get more interviews, so you can choose the job that is right for you?

✔️ Do you want to have the option for remote work, better salary, and career progression- not be forced to accept whatever comes your way?

So, how can you get more interviews lined up, with better companies?

You have probably applied for loads of jobs and see rejection after rejection. Most you probably don’t hear back from- so what next?


You need to look at your job search more deeply and use multiple channels.

Do you:

❓ Have a simple and easy to follow strategy?

❓ Send messages that hiring managers can’t help but respond to?

❓ Have a network of people reaching out to you with job opportunities?

If the answer is no to any of these, it is time to follow CAREERD’s simple Get Hired plan. Download our simple ebook with the Get Hired strategy and message templates that will make getting more interviews a breeze.

Interview Better

✔️ Do you want to begin interviews with confidence, knowing the hiring managers will be desperate to move things forward?

✔️ You’d love to have multiple job offers to choose from, rather than hoping anybody will offer you a job, right?

It is so important to enter interviews completely confident in your own value, knowing that you can showcase and demonstrate your value in even the toughest interviews

Most people (even very experienced professionals) feel nervous and unsure before an interview, without a clear plan to direct the interview strategically.


The art of interviewing all about rapport building, and directing the interview (even as the interviewee). A good interview will often have you asking questions throughout, as well as leaving confident that you performed well.

Before you interview, are you:

❓ Comfortable turning the interview into a two way conversation?

❓ Have clear, relevant case studies and know when to use them?

❓ Consistently getting positive feedback and job offers soon after interviewing?

If the answer is no to any of these, watch Tom’s exclusive tutorial on how to master job interviews- you’ll learn how to confidently direct and engage with interviewers, giving you the absolute best chance of being successful in your job hunt.

Build my network

✔️ You already know that having a strong network is one of the most powerful things you can do for your career

✔️ You’ve heard “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know”

So how do you build this network? Is it all online, or in person?

It’s not complicated and it’s not hard- but it does require a basic strategy. Let’s make it easy.


We’ll put together a couple of simple actions to take regularly- it could be 1-3 times per week, or daily depending on how quickly you’d like to accelerate your career.

Are you currently:

❓ Building relationships with key decision-makers on LinkedIn?

❓ Part of a high-value networking group online?

❓ Contacted with business, consulting, or job opportunities from people in your network?

If you don’t yet have a solid network and aren’t getting contacted regularly, building a network should be a priority for you- it can pay off quickly, and gets exponentially more valuable over time. Click the button below to begin building a powerful network.

You’ve got to make your CV or Resume look good. And the content needs to be easy to digest, grab attention, and demonstrate overwhelming value.

Ask yourself these questions:

❓ Does my CV/resume stand out visually?

❓ Within 7 seconds of looking at the document, does it show that you are right for the job (this is how long hiring managers and recruiters take to make a decision)?

❓ Is my CV/resume a level above the competition- or does it probably look like others at my level?

If you’re answering no to these, click the link below to get free advice on how to improve your CV and start hearing back from your job applications.

✔️ You’re already aware that you need a top CV to get your foot in the door

✔️ You’re probably aware that your CV sets the baseline for your salary negotiation too (more info below)

So how do you write a CV or resume that sets you apart from the crowd?

A CV that gets hiring managers jumping out of their seats?

Improve my CV
