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Interviewing is one of the most important factors when it comes to getting a job and negotiating your salary.

As someone who has interviewed hundreds of people from new graduates and school leavers up to Directors and CXO level, I’ve learnt a few things about what makes the best interviewers. Here’s my advice on how to interview with confidence and get the job you want.

  1. Turn the interview into a conversation

It should be a priority for any interviewee to turn the interview into a conversation. An interview is about building rapport- a huge part is simply how much the interviewer likes you.

You are also trying to make it very clear that you are equals. Being interviewed can feel very much like you are beneath the interviewer, or perhaps that you should feel grateful to even be there. It is important to reframe this (in your own mind, and the interviewer’s) to being a conversation of equals. You have a lot of value to bring, and it is also important that you find out whether the role is right for you or not. Asking questions organically as you answer theirs, is an easy way to do this and immediately establishes you as a cut above.

2. Ask questions throughout

Following on from the point above, asking the right questions throughout (not just at the end) of the interview makes you a stronger candidate. How do you do this? My simple advice is to ask questions flow naturally from your last answer- such as:

“I currently manage a team of 5, which I really enjoy, and we’ve got some interesting projects coming up. One of the things we’ve been looking into implementing is XYZ- is that something your team are currently using? Do you have plans to look XYZ?”

3. Tell stories

Humans love stories. We evolved in groups sat around the fire, and telling stories is a fundamental way to build trust and empathy, and is one of the most powerful ways of communicating. You should have at least 4 interesting, relevant stories you can draw on, that you can use for common questions without much adaption. Telling stories is the easiest way to rapidly improve your interview performance. Have a look at my advice on telling great stories here for more info.

4. Create a joint future

Begin painting a picture of a future where you work there. Get the interviewers to begin imagining you in the role. The more they picture you in the position the more likely they are to offer you the job.

5. Make them feel special

I am always surprised at how many candidates I’ve interviewed that just seem like they can’t be bothered, or that they don’t care if they get the job. This is made worse if they’ve done no research at all. You want your interviewers to feel special- tell them how much you want to join the company, and give them some good reasons why.

6. Become a “hot candidate”

Let the interviewers know that you have other opportunities on the go. That you might have another offer lined up. This is essential to ensure that you are able to negotiate a high salary, but is also key to appearing in demand- and therefore desirable. Now, don’t forget to make them feel special, so let them know that while you are exploring some other, very interesting, well paying jobs, this opportunity is your favourite.


I provide one-to-one interview coaching.

This includes:

  • Full briefing where you can tell me your goals and aspirations

  • Recorded mock/practice interview so you can work on your weaknesses

  • Detailed analysis of the interview with advice and guidance

  • Coaching for a specific upcoming interview